About the project

Responding to Vietnamese consumers' brand love over the past 19 years, Hao Hao instant noodle brand has implemented a 5-month promotion program named “Eat Hao Hao, Be Wealthy”

Skylark Communications is honored to take over the responsibility for organizing and implementing the program with a total prize value of up to 16 billion VND.

Activities carried out by Skylark Communications are exceedingly thorough and professional. Responsible for building the operating system from the beginning to the end of the program, including: CRM; hotline; SMS messages; Skylar associates with partners that provide prizes; organizes sweepstakes programs; transports and awards winners across the country.

Event & Activation

1.Manage Hotline, SMS & Top Up System 

  • Set-up hotline and operators to answer questions from consumers about the promotion, contact winners for procedure of prize receiving. 
  • Set-up and run system of SMS interaction and top-up prizes.
  • Operate CRM system which is built up from integration of Hotline, SMS & Top-up database.

2.Organize Lucky Draw events

  • Build up a software program to dial Lucky Draw prizes

  • Set-up and operate events

3.Manage prize delivery system & organize prizes granting ceremony

4.Prepare PIT documentary & claiming

  • Collect personal paper and scratching card of winners for filing and reporting to authorities. 
  • Do personal income tax claiming.



Prize Deliveries


Prize Ganting Ceremony.


Lucky Draw Events


Months of Hotline & CRM Operation

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